Sunday, December 7, 2008

Online Businesses Defy Recessionary Times

It's no secret that most people are watching their pocketbooks these days, so what does that mean for current businesses that are struggling, people who are considering starting a business, or those desiring to take their current business in a new direction, or to the next level. The best option that entrepreneurs have today is the option to take their business online.

On August 15th 2008 the U.S. Census Bureau announced that the estimate of U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the second quarter of 2008 was $34.6 billion, an increase of 2.9% from the first quarter of 2008; in layman's terms... there's a whole lotta money being exchanged on the Internet between businesses and consumers.

So why should you take your business online?

• Even in a down economy, statistics show that Internet usage and online shopping is growing.

• As gas prices fluctuate, and the time availability of people decreases, the ability to buy something online and have it shipped directly to you, vs. driving to a brick and mortar store, will get more and more appealing.

• The Internet is not just being used by business people, wealthy people or tech savvy people; it's being used by nearly every segment of society. According to Internet World Statistics, as of July 2008, 72% of the United States population is using the Internet.

• Internet start-ups can be very inexpensive with low overhead. Very often all you need is a product; be it an informational product or a consumer good/service; a computer, a website and access to the Internet.

• Internet businesses can be run from virtually anywhere. Customers do not need to know that a business is run out of a basement or spare bedroom.

• Because running an Internet business can be done from anywhere, and at any time of the day (unless your industry/business model dictates otherwise) many Internet business owners are able to keep their day jobs until their online businesses takes off. What do they say...? Don't quit your job until you have another one. How about, create your new job, make it successful in your spare time, and then work for yourself!

Recession or no recession, consumers need and want goods and services; what is changing is the manner consumers go about acquiring these goods and services. Taking your business online opens doors that many dooms dayers say are currently closed. The statistics don't lie ... there were $34.6 billion in e-commerce sales in the second quarter of 2008, and as of July 2008, 72% of the United States population was online. Now is the perfect time to consider taking your business online.

Emmy Bill is a Certified Search Engine Optimization Specialist working in-house for, a web design and development company serving small to medium-size businesses. Visit Sitepro on the web at

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